Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fire Protection

Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one walk on hot coals, and his feet not be seared?
 --Proverbs 6:27-28  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 22, 2013 of Proverbs 6:20-29; Hebrews 1; Isaiah 9-10.

In his sixth chapter of Proverbs, our wise teacher cautions us against standing liable for another person's financial obligations, rebukes the slothful person, the sluggard, reveals the true character of the wicked man, and warns us to avoid adultery. Indeed, the section surrounding today's focus verses is based on the seventh commandment: "You shall not commit adultery." (Please see Exodus 20:14 and Deuteronomy 5:18.) Sin must have been tugging at Solomon's heart as he wrote this chapter. Verses 16 through 19 list six, yes seven things the Lord hates, his seeming confusion of the count actually indicating that this short list is not all inclusive. Paul gives a longer list in Galatians 5:19-21, including more of what we traditionally refer to as the Seven Deadly Sins (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride).

Today's passage was written specifically to address adultery and its inescapable consequences. If we commit this sin, Solomon tells us, we will pay a price, without exception. In both verses he likens the ultimate punishment for adultery to being burned by the effects of fire. His warning brings to mind the old adage very often applied to those engaging in extramarital affairs: "If you play with fire, you're going to be burned." He even notes at the end of the chapter that the innocent spouses wronged by the adulterous pair will be filled with insatiable jealousy and rage that can never be compensated for. Another strike against adulterers.

But this passage is equally applicable not just to adultery but to any sin, any offense against God, anything we think, do, or say that is not right in His eyes. We simply cannot sin and expect to get away with it. We may be able to fool man, but we could never fool God. If we play with fire, we will be burned. And sin we will for we are mere mortal humans and can never be completely righteous in our own light. Fortunately for us, our heavenly Father is ever loving, ever gracious, ever faithful, ever merciful. He knows we could never be sinless, that we will always be tempted to play with fire. So He provided us with divine fire insurance. He sent His Son to us, that anyone who believes in Him, who confesses and repents of their sins and seeks forgiveness, can be spared from the eternal blaze and saved. God will forgive us if we follow this formula, even for adultery. Jesus keeps us from being burned. He is our protection from everlasting fire. Amen.

Father in heaven, please forgive us our sins. Lead us not into temptation, and keep us from playing with fire. Thank You for sacrificing Your Son on our behalf, our Salvation and our Protection. We pray in His most holy name, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

On His Account

If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me. But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account.
 --Philemon 1:17-18  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 21, 2013 of Proverbs 6:16-19; Philemon; Isaiah 7-8.

Paul's letter to Philemon is one of the Prison Epistles, written during his time under house arrest in Rome. Philemon was a slave holder and a Christian, with a house church meeting in his family residence. Onesimus, whose name means "useful" or "beneficial", was one of his slaves who had run away and apparently stole from Philemon before fleeing. He made it to Rome, where he somehow met Paul who led him to Christ. Onesimus was just one of millions of slaves in the Roman Empire and Philemon just one of many slave holders in the church. Paul intended this letter to provide guidelines for other Christian masters in their relationships with those of their slaves who were also believers. Paul did not try to question or abolish the prevalent practice of slavery, but hoped to lessen its impact among believers (please see "Pursue Righteousness"). Paul's letter also showed Christian slaves they had a duty to their masters who were also brothers in the faith. In Onesimus' case, returning to Philemon could have resulted in his death, as was the normal punishment for this offense. So Paul wrote this deeply personal letter to Philemon, who himself might have been another of Paul's converts, appealing to him to not only spare Onesimus' life but to send him back to Paul so as to serve him in substitution for the service Philemon could have provided. Paul noted that as an Apostle he could have ordered Philemon to abide by his wishes, but chose instead to base his request on love and Christian fellowship.

In this beautiful letter, Paul attempts to intercede on behalf of a slave, one of the lowest of society, with the intent of saving his life. This serves as a powerful illustration of Jesus' intercession for all of mankind and His offer of eternal salvation. Paul notes that perhaps it was all part of God's plan that Onesimus run away from Philemon, because in doing so he met Paul and became a believer and was saved. It is indeed God's great plan that through Jesus all mankind might be saved. In today's focus verses, Paul pleads with Philemon as a partner, a fellow worker for Christ. He even offers to repay Philemon for anything this whole incident cost him. Philemon can put anything he is owed on Paul's account and he will cover it. This is what Jesus did for us. He took all our sins, all our offenses against God, and put them onto His account and covered the debt with His blood.

When we believe, we accept Jesus as our Lord and Master. We willingly become His possessions, bought and paid for by His sacrifice. We are His and He is ours. We can never flee His love. Amen.

Dear Lord, help us please to not fail to see other believers as our brothers and sisters, to not treat them any differently no matter what their current station in life might be. Please help us to see them through Your eyes, created in Your own divine image. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being our good and faithful Master. We pray in Your name, gracious Jesus. Amen.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Black and White

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
 --Isaiah 5:20  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 20, 2013 of Proverbs 6:12-15; Titus 2:9-3:15; Isaiah 5-6.

Isaiah, arguably the greatest of the Old Testament prophets, was born into an influential, upper-class family in Judah, the Southern Kingdom. He frequently associated with royalty, living through the reigns of four kings of Judah (please see Isaiah 1:1), and gave advice concerning foreign affairs and alliances.  He also attacked the social ills of the day because he saw them as symptomatic of a more serious spiritual decline. Tradition has it that Isaiah was martyred during the idolatrous rule of Manasseh by being sawed in two inside a hollow log. Before his death Isaiah warned of inevitable captivity in Babylon but gave assurances of a remnant of the people being preserved and the nation being eventually restored.

In chapter five of his beautiful book Isaiah relates a parable of the Lord's vineyard. In this telling, God has given every advantage to this vineyard, in placement, in preparation, in protection. He had every reason to expect it to bear good fruit, but instead only wild grapes grew. What more could He have done, God asks, that had not already been done? What more advantage or gift could He have provided? There is nothing left to do but to destroy the vineyard and all that served it. Of course the vineyard is Israel and the parable relates all that God had provided the people so that they might obey him and do good works. Instead, everywhere He looks He sees nothing but worthless fruits. Jesus continued this parable, as recorded by Matthew in his Gospel account (Matthew 21:33-46), noting that the Owner even sent His Son to the people working the vineyard. But instead of repenting and doing right, the people killed the Son.  Again the message is clear that God has given every possible chance to His children but will destroy the bad fruit, reserving all rewards for the good.

God through Isaiah provides additional cautions to the people of Israel, but more intended for us since He knew His chosen would not listen or see. God indicts Israel on six counts, enumerating a woe for each. Woe to land grabbers (verses 8-10). Woe to drunkards (verses 11-17). Woe to blasphemers (verses 18-19). Woe to the conceited and vain (verse 21). Woe to improper and drunken judges (verses 22-25). And the focus of today's devotion verse, woe to those who pervert moral distinctions. These are deceivers, who try to confuse people, who say black is white, or who would convince others there is no black or white, only shades of gray, that there is no absolute right or wrong. This is a form of false teaching that the Apostle Paul so stridently warned about (please see "Deceiving Spirits" and other posts). These people want to excuse their own actions and behavior by confusing us and getting us to follow along in their gray ways. But God tells us there is indeed a right and a wrong. Paul tells us to follow only Jesus, the only right way. Woe to those who would deceive us into doing wrong. Don't be confused. Amen.

Father in heaven, please open our ears that we might hear Your warning and repent before You destroy Your vineyard. Please shield us from the deceivers who would pervert what is right and what is wrong, who would lead us astray, who do the work of Satan our adversary. Help us do only what is righteous in Your eyes. We pray in the precious name of our Savior Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pure or Defiled?

To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. They profess to know God, but in words they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.
 --Titus 1:15-16  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 19, 2013 of Proverbs 6:6-11; Titus 1:1-2:8; Isaiah 2-4.

After Paul left Timothy in Ephesus, he proceeded on through Macedonia to Crete, where he left Titus to supervise the churches there. He went on to Nicopolis, writing this letter to encourage Titus either from there or from Macedonia. His next stop was Troas where he was suddenly arrested, taken to Rome a second time and imprisoned, and finally beheaded. (Please see "Deceiving Spirits""Soldiering On", and "Itching Ears"). Titus was a Gentile by birth and converted through the ministry of Paul. He traveled with Paul to Jerusalem for the Apostolic Council and served as his emissary to the church in Corinth on the third missionary journey. While his relationship with Titus may not have been as close as what he shared with Timothy, Paul still considered Titus "my true child in a common faith" (please see verse 4).

After his opening greetings in this rather short letter to Titus, Paul briefly gives emphasis to the appointment of elders in the church, which he felt important enough to leave Titus behind to accomplish. Paul lists the qualifications elders should possess and be held to before addressing offenders in the church. In this he is referring to those who had supposedly been converted into believers of Christ but who rebel against His teachings, who engage in empty talk, who work to deceive others, who teach that keeping to the law is the only way to sanctification and salvation. They were obviously too interested in money, "teaching... for the sake of dishonest gain" (verse 11), and paid too much attention to Jewish fables and those who spread false doctrine.

This leads to today's focus verses and a comparison of types. Paul simply says of the righteous that to the pure all things are pure. Paul is speaking of the internal state of those believers who heed and adhere to true doctrine, to the teachings of Jesus. They have a purity of mind and heart and spirit. To them is granted purity and their works and offerings are accepted by God, just as were Abel's. But to the aforementioned offenders, the defiled, nothing is pure. Their very thoughts and feelings are corrupt. They claim to believe in Jesus but their acts and words deny Him and all He taught. They are disobedient to Christ and an abomination to God. The works of their lives and any offerings they might make are forever unacceptable to God, as were Cain's. Their lives are worthless and forfeit.

The implications are as clear to us as they would have been to Titus. We can obey God's voice and adhere to the teachings of His Son Jesus and be pure. Or we can rebel against what Jesus offers and seek only to satisfy our own agenda, thus dirtying and defiling ourselves. The choice is ours to make. Let us choose like Joshua, when he pledged, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15.) Amen.

Lord Jesus, Your teachings are clear to those who will see, Your words true for those who will hear. Only through You may we come to the Father, only in You lies the path to salvation. Heavenly Father, please give us the wisdom to discern between Your truth and false doctrine spread by those who would deceive. In the holiest name of our Redeemer and Master Jesus we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Itching Ears

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
 --2 Timothy 4:3-5  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 18, 2013 of Proverbs 6:1-5; 2 Timothy 4; Song of Solomon 7-Isaiah 1.

In his final letter (please see "Soldiering On"), in effect his spiritual last will and testament, Paul leaves his beloved friend Timothy a little last-minute counsel and a plea to come to him quickly. He concludes with a short status report on some of his supporters and their mutual friends, and warns him about those who have caused trouble and harm in the past and are likely to do so again in the future. Paul's desire to see his young associate one more time before his death is clearly evident. Paul implores Timothy to, "Be diligent to come to me quickly" (verse 9), "Get Mark and bring him with you" (verse 11), "Bring the cloak... and the books, especially the parchments" (verse 13), and finally, "come before winter" (verse 21). Paul urgently wanted to see Timothy , asking him to collect and bring along their former traveling companion and some personal belongings, perhaps as an added incentive to visit. His last request is most poignant, for he knew he would not be alive when Timothy arrived if the young man delayed. Whether Timothy was able to make that final visit in time is unknown today.

Before these final, more personal comments, Paul urges Timothy to always be prepared to preach the Gospel, even if on only a moment's notice, now while the people might listen. He cautions that as time progresses toward the end of the age, that the people will become less and less interested in hearing the teaching of true and sound doctrine, but instead will seek out those who will tell them what they want to hear. They will fill their churches with preachers who will salve their spirits, will condone nearly any action under the umbrella of God's all encompassing love, will look the other way when confronted with a member's continuing sin because they themselves may be guilty of unrepentant sin. The people would rather hear fables and lies that support their choices in life rather than be convicted by the truth and led to repentance.

Paul may have noted the seed of this behavior planted in his time, but we are harvesting the fruits in our current age. Actions and lifestyles clearly cited in our Holy Bible as sinful in the sight of God are being ignored, condoned, or even practiced by those standing in the pulpits of many churches today. Yes, God loves us all and doesn't want to see any of us damned. That is exactly why He sent His Son, that we might be saved. But to be just, He must reward the righteous and punish the wicked, as He has repeatedly said He would and as He has shown throughout history. Paul warned that one of the greatest dangers facing the church is false doctrine, false teachings. Having someone preach it from the pulpit just to assuage our conscience doesn't make it right, or true.

So what are we to do? Paul instructs we stick to the truth and be prepared to suffer persecution for it, to speak the Good News of Jesus at every opportunity, and to fulfill our own personal ministry. Each of us has a testimony we can share, and God has given each of us some gift to use in this sharing. We need to find our ministry and fulfill it. Give voice and ear to the truth. Amen.

O Father in heaven, too many times we would rather hear excuses that allow our chosen behavior, ignoring the truth that Your Word and Your Spirit speak to us. Help us, Father, to discern the truth in a world filled with false teachers and wrong doctrine. Let us come quickly to Jesus before the winter of our lives settles in. In the most glorious name of Jesus our Savior we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you.
 --Song of Solomon 4:7  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 17, 2013 of Proverbs 5:21-23; 2 Timothy 3; Song of Solomon 4-6.

Some look at the Hebrew title for this book, translated as The Song of Songs from the first verse, and think it an indication that the main characters in the song may be fictional, only using Solomon's name to make the piece more appealing to its audience, but there is no compelling evidence to support this view. Most agree that Solomon was indeed the author and "The Beloved", whose love for a young Palestinian maiden whom he made his wife forms the basis for this story. While Solomon may not be the best example for such a tale of love and devotion, seeing as how he had 60 wives and 80 concubines and "virgins without number" at the time of the song's writing (as he himself stipulates in chapter 6 verse 8) and will have many more to come (please see 1 Kings 11:3), his skill at painting such a beautiful portrait of romantic love within marriage is unparalleled.

The book opens with Solomon's courtship of the young Shulamite woman, apparently appearing in disguise at first so her family would not realize just who he is. That this richest of kings would actually court and woo the young lady is somewhat amazing, especially in light of how his father, David, had taken his mother, Bathsheba, in marriage (please reference 2 Samuel 11 and 12). After courtship came marriage, with even the wedding procession being described. The consummation of the marriage is beautifully and delicately portrayed. Sadly, a short time later, a slight rift develops between the husband and his wife, but it is soon resolved and the marriage deepens as their love for each other matures.

In the Song of Solomon, unlike the productions of our current entertainment industry, all the steps happen in a proper sequence and manner, just as God intends they should in any love story. All aspects of love between a man and a woman are beautiful gifts of God, including the physical relationship. But those particular fruits are meant to be enjoyed only within the bonds of marriage, when the couple commit themselves fully to each other before God and man. This is clearly shown in the Song. Even the little squabble plays a meaningful role in that it showed each what they stood to lose. And as time progressed, because they were willing to work together and never lost sight of how much they loved each other, the marriage flourished.

When we love one another, sincerely and deeply, we are able to easily overlook each other's faults. This is how the groom viewed his bride in today's focus verse. In his eyes she was lovely and without blemish. This is how God sees us once we have been washed in the blood of Jesus. When we truly believe in Jesus and invite Him to be our Lord and Master, a miracle occurs. We become His and our Father in heaven, in His love, looks at us through the eyes of Jesus and sees us as spotless. Solomon loved his Shulamite wife and saw no spot in her. God loves us much more than that. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this beautiful love story to show us how wonderful a marriage can be when we place You first and adhere to Your commandments for us as husband and wife. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for washing us clean with Your precious blood so that we might appear spotless in the sight of God. Thank You for loving us. In the awesome name of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Soldiering On

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
 --2 Timothy 2:3  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 16, 2013 of Proverbs 5:15-20; 2 Timothy 2; Song of Solomon 1-3.

The Book of the Acts of the Apostles ends with Paul under house arrest in Rome, chained to guards but allowed visitors. He is eventually released and continues his missionary work, leaving Timothy and Titus to minister to churches in Ephesus and Crete. When he visited Troas, he was suddenly arrested a second time, taken to Rome and imprisoned there. Unlike before, this time he was left alone in a cold dungeon. He knew his death was close at hand when he wrote this second letter to Timothy, the young man he often referred to as his beloved son. This would be the last letter Paul would author as he was martyred by beheading shortly after.

If anyone knew about enduring hardship and soldiering for Christ, it was Paul. He had been run out of towns both by mobs and by local authorities. Men had laid in wait to kill him. He had been shouted at, spit on, and beaten multiple times. He survived shipwrecks and and two years of house arrest. Even his conversion came with suffering, being blinded by the Lord for three days. And he constantly bore some sort of personal affliction, his thorn in the flesh. Bearing up under difficult, painful, or even perilous situations was nothing new to Paul. We could say Paul was a wizened veteran in the army of the Lord. It was from his own experiences that he warned his young protege' of what lay ahead: hardship.

And Timothy would have appreciated this advice since he knew the source so well. Paul was his mentor and his friend, a father-figure who treated him like a son. Paul loved him and would have gladly spared him pain and suffering if at all possible. Timothy was well aware of this, just as he was aware that Paul's time on earth was drawing to a close. He must have been heartbroken, but he would have fully understood Paul's warning. He had to carry on for Paul, and there was still much work to be done. Hardship awaited him, yet he had little choice but to forge ahead, for that was where the Spirit led him and he willingly answered that call.

We've all read Paul's warning. If we are to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ, we must be prepared to suffer through and endure great hardship. Satan will make sure of that. He will do everything he can to make life miserable for those who stand ready to do battle against his forces of evil. We have a choice. We can follow every urging of the Spirit and soldier on for Christ or not. But if we do, we should look to Paul for what fate might await us. Serving Jesus may bring hardship in this life, but the rewards in the next will be far beyond our imaginings. Soldier on for Jesus. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we believe in You as our Master and our Savior. We want to serve you, to be Your soldier, but sometimes we struggle to bear up to Satan's assaults. Please give us the strength of Paul, Jesus, that You gave him, that we might fight the good fight and advance God's kingdom so we can be joined with You when our time here is finished. In Your glorious name, Lord Jesus we pray. Amen.

In the Midst of the Congregation

"I was on the verge of total ruin, in the midst of the assembly and congregation."
 --Proverbs 5:14  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 15, 2013 of Proverbs 5:7-14; 2 Timothy 1; Ecclesiastes 11-12.

In the fifth chapter of his Book of Proverbs, Solomon cautions us to avoid lust. He specifically addresses this lesson to his son regarding the perils of giving free rein to physical lust, the desires of the flesh. He cautions us all not to give in to the temptation of adultery or we could lose everything. What may seem sweet at first will turn sour like wormwood. The soft caress of the flesh can cut our souls like a two-edged sword. The path of adultery leads to hell, even though we don't realize it at the time. And the spoils of our labors end up going to an other's house rather than our own, into an other's possession instead of providing for our own family. Solomon warns it is best to avoid this situation altogether by heeding wisdom and by being content with the fruits of lawful marriage under God.

But Solomon could just as easily have been addressing any lust, not just sexual desires. To lust is to have an intense longing and desire. It is a craving that can defy and ignore all reasoning and logic. We can lust after a person whom we desire sexually, and we can lust after money and wealth, expensive cars and huge homes, great fame and powerful influence. Lust is perilous whether we attempt to satisfy it or simply obsess about the objects of our desire. The danger lies in how much of our life we give over to it, when we allow it to become our master, forsaking our true Master, Jesus Christ. Satisfying our lust is pretty much always a sin, whether it involves stepping outside the bonds of marriage or accumulating great wealth at the expense of others. But dwelling obsessively on what we desire is also a sin when we put it first over everything else in our life.

Do we really understand what our longings and lusts can lead to? Solomon speaks for the one who gave in to his lust, who committed adultery and is now paying the price, when he utters the words of today's focus verse. There are two very important points we need to study. The first is that the adulterer notes he is in the midst  of the assembly and congregation. Just like this man Solomon speaks for, there may be many sitting in our churches each Sunday who have given themselves over to lust and are headed toward eternal damnation but who think they are saved because of their attendance (or maybe their lust has blinded them and they just don't care anymore). They must repent and seek God's forgiveness. But the second point holds more promise. Many of us may indeed be on the verge of ruin by allowing our lusts to take hold of us and condemn us in the eyes of God, but being on the verge means we have not yet gone over the edge. We still have a chance to step back, to reconsider what we are about to do, to repent and return to the Way of salvation. The Spirit will warn us when  we near the edge, and Jesus will pull us back if we let Him. Be wise, forsake lust, and stay clear of the edge. Amen.

Heavenly Father, this human body too easily gives in to the temptations of the world placed before us by the evil one. We think that if we only had this or that we can finally be happy. Please forgive us when we fail to remember that all our needs and wants and desires are satisfied in You and our Lord Jesus. Forgive us when we have strayed if we turn from our sin and seek Your face. In the wonderful name of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

Pursue Righteousness

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.
 --1 Timothy 6:10-11  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 14, 2013 of Proverbs 5:1-6; 1 Timothy 6; Ecclesiastes 8-10.

Paul closes his first letter to Timothy by giving him instruction on some of the various responsibilities of the church and its leadership as regards certain relationships, the teaching of false doctrine, money versus godliness, and trust and confidence. Paul begins with a brief discussion of the relationship slaves should strive to maintain with their masters, a problem he addressed in his letters to the Corinthians (in the first one), to the Ephesians, to the Colossians, to Titus, to Philemon (himself a slave holder), and here to Timothy. Paul and the New Testament writers did not question or directly argue against the institution of slavery, which was prevalent in their age, but did try to mitigate its effects and the slaves' condition by changing and improving the attitudes of both masters and slaves, and especially when both were believers. He expected them to meet on equal terms in the church and in fellowship, not as masters and slaves. Paul then again addresses the dangers of false teachings in the church before turning to a warning about money before closing with an admonition to young Timothy to be prudent and faithful with all that has been entrusted to him.

Today's focus verses in effect compare two different concepts of wealth, one that believers should avoid and one we should pursue. Notice that Paul finds no fault with money itself. There is nothing wrong with earning and having money. In a commercial society we need money to survive and help others survive. No, Paul warns that it is the love of money that is a root from which springs to life all kinds of evil. Paul's use of the phrase "a root" indicates that evil arises in our hearts not just from greed, but from other sources as well. If we place more and more importance on gaining and amassing great material wealth, then our faith will suffer. If that happens and we are very lucky (translated: if God is very merciful to us), then the Spirit will speak to us and our conscience will hurt (from being pierced through with many sorrows) and we will turn from greed. Otherwise we will ultimately pay with our eternal life.

But then Paul tells us how we can avoid this fate. He shows us a different type of wealth we should go after, a spiritual wealth. First we should turn our minds and our hearts away from trying to accumulate money or power or influence or anything else that would cause us to stray from the Way, and instead pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Strive to do what God would consider right in His eyes, use Jesus as an example of how to live and to serve God and mankind, and truly love each other just as Jesus loves us. If we follow Paul's instructions, we will accumulate a wealth in heaven far greater and more valuable than all the money in the world. Amen.

Lord Jesus, Paul warns us not to love material wealth, but to instead seek a spiritual wealth by following You. We know our heavenly Father provides all our needs and will bless our generosity. Please help us remember that wealth earned but not shared will be as a millstone about our neck and will serve us no good at our end. In Your most holy name, Jesus our Christ we pray. Amen.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sinners All

For there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin.
 --Ecclesiastes 7:20  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 13, 2013 of Proverbs 4:18-27; 1 Timothy 5; Ecclesiastes 6-7.

Ecclesiastes is the Greek equivalent of the original Hebrew title Qoheleth, and both mean "preacher". This is how the author identifies himself in the first verse of the first chapter, as the Preacher. He adds that he is also the son of David, King in Jerusalem. For this reason, and for references in the book to the writer's unrivaled wisdom, great wealth, and extensive building activities, Solomon has long been accepted as that author, that Preacher. And as no other offspring of David measured up to those accolades, Jewish tradition explicitly holds that Solomon is indeed the author. But some have adopted a view first considered by Martin Luther that the book was written quite a bit later, after the children of Israel returned from Babylonian exile, and by an unknown author who simply used Solomon as an easily recognizable central character. However the evidence supporting this view is inconclusive and Solomon is accepted as the Preacher by most, and so shall we.

In chapter seven and most of chapter eight of his book, Solomon employs a series of proverbial sayings, some indeed found closely repeated in the Book of Proverbs (another mostly authored by Solomon), to offer counsel and advice concerning wisdom, and especially as compared to folly. He puts these comparisons to use in showing both the advantages and the limitations of wisdom. For instance he cautions that we not be overly righteous or wise, lest we destroy ourselves, nor should we be overly wicked or foolish, lest we die before our time. By this he means we should live in moderation in all things, and in excess in none.

Today's focus verse is indeed a pearl of wisdom, and one we should all be painfully aware of and admit to: we are all sinners. No matter how righteous and just we may be, no matter how much good we might do, regardless of how minor our offense may seem in man's reckoning, in God's eyes and by His righteousness we are all sinful creatures. We could never be reconciled to Him by our own efforts or merits. It is only by His wonderful grace and the blood sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ that we have any hope of being allowed entry into God's home. Only the Son of Man did not sin, but for our sake He bore all the sin of the world unto Himself so that we could be washed clean. All this because He loves us. Amen.

God in heaven, we are sinners. Without the sacrifice of our Redeemer Jesus we could never be reconciled to You, could never be rejoined with You. Thank You, Father, for Your unmerited grace. Thank You, Jesus, for taking the punishment we so rightly deserve. In the glorious name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Deceiving Spirits

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
 --1 Timothy 4:1  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 12, 2013 of Proverbs 4:10-17; 1 Timothy 4; Ecclesiastes 3-5.

The Apostle Paul's two letters to Timothy and his one to Titus are collectively referred to as the Pastoral Epistles because they contain instructions and principles regarding the pastoral care of the church and the qualifications to consider for its leaders. In his first letter to his young protege' Timothy, Paul provides instruction concerning church doctrine, worship, and leadership, as well as dangers the church family can expect to face. He also covers other duties and responsibilities of the church. Paul strongly felt false teaching to be a huge threat to the health of the church, and twice warned Timothy to be wary of the practice and to contend against it at every opportunity.

Paul opens his letter to Timothy, after a brief greeting in the name of Jesus, with just such a warning against false doctrine. He cautions this young man who he often refers to as his son in the ministry to stay true to what Paul taught him, not to be like some who have strayed from the truth and turned aside to idle talk. By this he means that these people wanted to be thought of as great teachers, but because they have strayed from true doctrine, all of their words become nothing more than fruitless discussion and useless noise.

In today's focus verse, Paul gets back to his concern with false teaching and issues a severe warning about heresy. He relates what the Spirit imparts, that some will lose their faith, will leave the Way, will pay more attention to those who do the work of Satan than to the servants of God. This was true in Paul's time and is still true today. And the Spirit warns it will only get worse as the End of Days approaches. Paul tells us that false teaching is inspired by demons working under Satan's command, and greedily spread by the hypocrisy of liars. The way for Christians to avoid the effects of heresy is to listen only to those who teach the true doctrine of Jesus, to live affirmative lives, and by striving through prayer to discern God's will. Those who wish to deceive are clever, and they work for the cleverest deceiver of all. But our Lord Jesus will save us and keep us from temptation if we believe and trust in Him. Our greatest and best defense against false teaching is the Truth that is Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lord Jesus, in You we have the Truth and the Way.  You are the Light that illuminates the darkness and sends the demons scurrying for cover. You help us resist temptation and discern righteousness out of deception. Thank You, dearest Savior, for being our All. In Your blessed name, O Jesus we pray. Amen.

Wanted: Wisdom

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
 --Proverbs 4:7  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 11, 2013 of Proverbs 4:1-9; 1 Timothy 3; Ecclesiastes 1-2.

King Solomon prayed to God for wisdom so that he might rule the people of Israel justly. The Lord granted his request, and then some, making Solomon not only the wisest of men but also the wealthiest. In the Book of Proverbs he imparts some of this great wisdom, as a father passes along knowledge to his child, just as he learned from his father, David. He acknowledges that the beginning of all knowledge is in the fear of the Lord, a concept he possibly picked up from listening to David as he recounted his own life experiences. Solomon shares with us the many benefits wisdom provides, such as being honored by others, being safer due to your own understanding and experience with how things work, and being guided in the way of righteousness. Wisdom also allows us to enjoy a longer life, better health, and a higher degree of integrity.

Today's focus verse seems almost circular, but Solomon is saying that since wisdom is quite possibly the most important possession we could have in our life, we should get some. This is similar to the parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price that Jesus told as a way to describe the kingdom of heaven, as a prize so great we should be willing to give up everything we have to gain it. This is how Solomon emphasizes the worth of wisdom. And the first step in acquiring wisdom is to realize how valuable wisdom is and to make up our mind to do all we can to get it. Therefore the beginning of wisdom is to seek wisdom. Solomon adds that while we are seeking wisdom, we should grab up some understanding at the same time. These aren't different attributes or concepts as Solomon uses the terms. It isn't really a chicken or the egg sort of quandary. With wisdom comes greater understanding, and with understanding comes greater wisdom. They go hand in hand, and both to our benefit.

That holds especially true for the beginning of all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. When we fear the Lord, when we revere Him and love Him and honor Him and obey His voice, He speaks into our life, just as He did to Solomon, and sets in place a kernel of wisdom. It is up to us to nurture this seed, watch it bloom, and enjoy its fruits. We can gain wisdom by closely analyzing our experiences, learning from our mistakes, observing how those we consider wise react to life events. And we can gain wisdom as we continue to fear the Lord and seek His face. Look to the Lord, and receive wisdom. Amen.

Heavenly Father, from You all gifts and blessings flow like a mighty river. You give us more than we need, and when we ask, the wisdom to know how best to use Your blessings. Grant us this wisdom, please Lord, that we might rule our own lives justly and live in righteousness in Your sight. In the name of Jesus our Redeemer we pray. Amen.

First Pray for Others

And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
 --Job 42:10  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 10, 2013 of Proverbs 3:27-35; 1 Timothy 2; Job 40:15-42.

Job finally understands, he finally gets it. He acknowledges that God can do all things and that nothing He sets His will to do can be denied Him. Job admits that he really did not know what he was talking about when he criticized God, when he accused the Lord of causing harm to an innocent man. He realizes now that there are some things simply too wonderful for man to ever comprehend, things that lie strictly in the provenance of the God of all creation. Job understands God's position so well, in fact, that even though the Lord never appears to the men in any physical form, only speaking to them from the whirlwind, Job says he can now see God with his eyes, because of all he heard with his ears. This idea highlights how undeserved tragedy can help us see God and His undeserved grace.

Job understands and repents. Truly and sincerely humbled (please reference "What Price Justification?"), he repents of both his pride and of his rebellion to God. And this is exactly what God wanted, what He had been waiting for. The Lord then addressed Job's friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, rebuking them for not speaking the truth about Him as Job had just done. He orders them to prepare a burnt offering and present it in Job's presence so that he might pray for forgiveness on their behalf. In this very brief exchange (only two verses), God referred to Job as "My servant" four times. Job had truly repented and sought God's mercy. The Lord forgave him and put his sins out of mind. Job was now God's servant once again. And because Job himself showed mercy and forgiveness to those who had so recently accused him of sins he didn't commit, immediately after he humbled himself yet again and prayed for God to forgive those who had wronged him, the rewards began. Job was given seven sons and three daughters, just as he had before, and his holdings grew to twice what they had previously been. His health was restored and he died an old man, having seen four generations of his descendants.

But Job's greatest reward was something he never really lost but finally realized. He found a great sense of contentment and comfort in learning that he enjoyed God's fellowship, and had all along. We would do well to understand this ourselves. We are never apart from God when we believe in Jesus, no matter what we may be going through. The Lord is always with us. If we build and maintain a good and true relationship with Him, we will come to find that we really don't need to know why He allows us to experience the things we do, whether good or bad. He is in full control of the universe and everything in it, including us and our lives. It is enough to know that He loves us and He is working all things toward good, in His time. We might not be able to comprehend all He does, but we can trust Him and love Him. Amen.

Lord God, Creator and Director of all that is, forgive us when we question the things You do, when we let the vagaries of life get us down, when we wonder where You are. If necessary, humble us, dear Lord, that we might remember You are always with us, no matter our circumstance. Thank You for Jesus, our Comfort and Redeemer. In His glorious name, Jesus we pray. Amen.

What Price Justification?

Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: "Would you indeed annul My judgment? Would you condemn Me that you may be justified?" 
 --Job 40:6, 8  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 9, 2013 of Proverbs 3:19-26; 1 Timothy 1; Job 38:31-40:14.

After Elihu rebuked Job and his friends, God broke His silence to finally address Job. In His first response to this man who would try to justify himself before God, the Lord poses a series of more than 70 questions, questions Job could never answer, questions designed to show him just how ignorant he is of the ways of God, the knowledge and understanding of God. How utterly absurd it is, God incredulously muses, that the creature should criticize the Creator. If Job cannot understand simple things, like snow and hail, wind and rain, lightning and frost and ice, how could he possibly comprehend how everything works together? And if he can't grasp how things fit into the mosaic of the universe, how can he expect to direct it, to determine what should be done and when? God possesses all the knowledge Job lacks.

At the end of this lengthy speech God challenges Job to continue contending against Him, to keep on finding fault with how God carries on the business of the cosmos. He dares Job to rebuke Him, to refute His argument. Job wisely refuses to take the bait. He seems humbled when he responds, "I am vile, I am insignificant. Once I questioned You, but no longer. You've put me in my place." Humbled, sure.  Who wouldn't be if the God of all creation came down on us, chastising us? But was Job repentant as well? Apparently God didn't think so, as He continued pressing His case.

God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind, from the midst of the storm. As we are shown toward the end of this book, Job's three friends (and presumably Elihu as well) were present and allowed to hear God's voice as He rebuked Job, but for now His comments were directed only to the one who tried to justify himself. And His first questions hit right to the heart of the matter: if we would somehow think, like Job evidenced and the Lord knew he thought, to put ourselves in the position of God, by doing so we would be canceling out everything He has ever done. If we can do all He does, know all He knows, then all His great works would be for naught because we could do them too. So He asks the pointed question: Would we be willing to condemn Him, for condemnation would surely be the result of this, just so that we can be justified? Just what price are we willing to pay for justification? No, this could never happen for we could never be God. But God knows our heart, and will convict us for what He sees there if we think to elevate ourselves, just as He did Job. Is it worth it, God asks, to be justified by any means, even if we have to do it for ourselves? Fortunately for us, we don't really have to do that. Our heavenly Father gave us just what we need for justification. He sent to us His only Son, Jesus, so that we might be justified in Him. All we have to do is trust in Jesus, and show ourselves worthy by our belief and our faith. Amen.

God in heaven, we could never do all the wondrous things You do, never know all that You know. And because of our great sin, we could also never be reunited with You, never be able to justify ourselves before You. You saw our great need and sent Your Son to us, who loves us even in our sin. Thank You, Father, for providing us a Redeemer. In the blessed name of our Savior Jesus we pray. Amen.

Do Not Grow Weary

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you. But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.
 --2 Thessalonians 3:1, 13  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 8, 2013 of Proverbs 3:7-18; 2 Thessalonians 3; Job 37-38:30.

Paul was very pleased, even excited with how well the church in Thessalonica was faring in his absence, how true and strong they remained in their faith. His second letter to the church, sent shortly after the first, confirmed his joy with their steadfastness and he praises them and thanks God for their faith throughout the epistle. But there was a concern he needed to address, a new situation that came to his attention between letters, the result of a misunderstanding, if not an outright misrepresentation, of his earlier teachings regarding the coming return of Jesus to His glory. Some thought that the judgments Paul described when he was with them had already begun, so Jesus should be coming very soon. Because of this confusion, they had stopped working, depending on others for sustenance, expecting Jesus to return any day now, if not within the next few hours. Paul needed to correct this somewhat embarrassing situation immediately, and he clarified his teachings in this letter.

Every now and then a person or group will come forward and say that the Tribulation has already started, that God's judgments are now upon us, and that Jesus will appear soon and take His church home. We know from scripture, including Jesus' own words, that we mortals are simply not intended to know when Christ will return. Sure, some of the warning signs exist today, just as some have been evident all throughout history since our Lord's resurrection and ascension. And many preachers today do feel an increased sense of urgency to gather the church together, to seek out the lost, to further God's kingdom before the end begins, but the surest signs of the Tribulation's onset have not yet occurred. The time of the Rapture is still known only to God.

So we have no choice but to follow Paul's instructions, including those in today's focus verses. We need to pray for all those who strive to carry the Gospel of Jesus into all the world, and doubly pray that God's Word is received, turning the hearts of man, bringing them to Christ. And we must continue doing good, not because our acts might have any impact on our salvation but because we truly love Jesus and one another, and because this is what He wants us to do. We don't know when the end will come, so we need to be constantly vigilant while waiting for our Lord, not shirking our responsibilities to Him or to our fellow man. Paul stressed this to the Thessalonians, and to us. Whether our Lord returns within our lifetime or after we've passed on, we need to continue doing good while we walk this earth. And then, when we do face our Lord, we will hear Him say those beautiful words, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (please see Matthew 25:21). Amen.

Heavenly Father, as long as we draw breath, may we do good. Until our Savior returns to take us home, may we endeavor to spread the Good News of Jesus throughout the world. And may we do all we can to help our fellow man, both with their physical and their spiritual needs. We love You, Lord, and want to serve You. In that holiest of names, Jesus we pray. Amen.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

A Symbol of Trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
 --Proverbs 3:5-6  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 7, 2013 of Proverbs 3:1-6; 2 Thessalonians 2; Job 35-36.

Our wise teacher Solomon offers that wisdom not only can deliver us from wickedness but also promises certain rewards, such as long life and prosperity, favor with God and with man, sure guidance, good health and physical renewal, and a right and proper reaction to discipline. Exercising wisdom can benefit not only us but others as well. Solomon tells us it is important that we not let mercy and truth abandon us, that we never forget to be truthful and merciful in our daily dealings and interactions. It is so critical to hold tight to these principles that Solomon suggests we bind them up with a cord and tie them around our neck to keep them always close to our heart. Some do this symbolically by wearing a cross necklace, maybe under their shirt, not as a fashion statement or accessory, but as a reminder of the truth of our Lord Jesus and God's grace and mercy.

That small cross can also help us pay heed to Solomon's instructions in today's focus verses. We should place our faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and in God our Father, not relying on ourselves or any capabilities we might possess even if those abilities are ours by gifts from God. This sense of reliance on a power far greater than any man underlies how truly helpless we are on our own, when left to our own devices. While we may manage to muddle our way through this life seemingly without God's help, we could never gain eternal life except for the sacrifice of Jesus and the grace of God. We may not think He helps us or even believe we need His help, but He does and we definitely do. So we should not feel somehow insufficient or embarrassed when we lean on His strength.

And as we grow more reliant on God and recognize that reliance, we begin to understand and acknowledge just how important our Lord is to us. We see His hand at work in every aspect of our life. We build a stronger, deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit living within us. We invite an even greater interaction from the Spirit and He then guides our steps, keeping us from evil.

It all begins with trusting the Lord, leaning on His faithfulness, and giving Him all the praise and glory. This is wisdom practically applied. This is how a wise person will live each day, for such offers great rewards. Trust in the Lord, believe in and lean on Jesus, and the future that truly matters will be assured. Amen.

Father God, Lord Jesus, and Guide Spirit, we give ourselves to You. We trust You with our very being, and our eternal life to come. Please help us be as truthful and merciful with others as You are with us. Direct our paths so that we may walk in righteousness. We are Yours, O Lord. In that name above all names, that beautiful name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Friday, September 06, 2013


Yet He is not partial to princes, nor does He regard the rich more than the poor; for they are all the work of His hands.
 --Job 34:19  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 6, 2013 of Proverbs 2:20-22; 2 Thessalonians 1; Job 33:12-34.

Elihu is a descendant of Buz, the nephew of Abraham, and apparently he has been present during the entire discourse between Job and his three friends but has remained silent until now because they are years older than he. He acknowledges that wisdom comes from God (please see "The Knowledge of God"), but not necessarily with age since the four men before him, while much older, have shown little wisdom in their arguments. And now at last he speaks, his anger burning within him because Job tries to justify himself before God (please see "Our True Justification"), and his friends, while finding no real answer to Job's woes, continue to condemn him. Patiently waiting his turn until his elders ran out of steam, Elihu finally speaks, rebuking Job and his companions for accusing God of hostility toward Job, and for failing to understand the true relationship between God and man.

After restating Job's case, Elihu notes that all this isn't necessarily from the hand of God. In this world, the wicked prosper while the righteous suffer probably more often than the other way around. God does not show preference. Jesus tells us that the Father "makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (please see Matthew 5:45). Job accuses God of wronging an innocent man, but Elihu contends that God, as the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, cannot be unjust in His reign over His creation. Elihu concisely sums this up in today's focus verse. God does not show partiality to kings and princes, to the rich and famous, to the formidable and influential. He treats the wealthy and the destitute, the powerful and the powerless, the wicked and the righteous alike. (Of course, we know this only holds true in this current life, in the world. When Jesus returns, all His believers, all the righteous, will share in His great victory.)

We are all the work of God's hands. He made us all, and in His heavenly image. We are all His, the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, the mighty and the lowly. We are all His creations, crafted the same, treated the same, loved the same. None of us should consider ourselves any better than any other for we are all God's children. When we feel or express ill-will toward another person, we are mistreating someone that our Father loves just as much as He loves us. We need to remember this each time we're behind what seems to be an inconsiderate driver in traffic, or have to deal with a rude public servant or impolite store clerk. God made each of us, treats us all with the same impartial hand, and loves us all equally. And that is why Jesus commands us to love one another as we love ourselves. God does, and so should we. Amen.

Father, we understand that You created all, that You are just in every way. We know that in this life there will be sunshine as well as rain on each of us. Yet sometimes, Lord, it seems the whole world is against us and beating us down. In those times, Father, forgive us when we come to You and ask for Your merciful intersession in our lives. Help us, Lord, with Your strength that our faith will see us through. In the glorious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

On Fire

Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good.
 --1 Thessalonians 5:19-21  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 5, 2013 of Proverbs 2:12-19; 1 Thessalonians 5; Job 31:24-33:11.

Paul concludes his first letter to the church in Thessalonica by discussing a few duties the believers should see to, including that they recognize and appreciate their church leaders and spiritual teachers (verses 12 and 13). This is also where Paul gives a frequently quoted instruction: to rejoice always, to pray without ceasing, to give thanks in everything (verses 16 through 18). In this Paul gives excellent advice to us all, to look for the good in all situations, to notice the hand of God at work no matter what else is going on, to find something in any circumstance to be thankful to God for. The new believers in Thessalonica needed to remember this as they faced daily persecution and pressure form their peers to return to their earlier pagan practices. Looking for something good in all situations helps us abide in the Lord.

And this leads to Paul's instructions in today's focus verses. Again, while this advice is certainly pertinent to those relatively new in their Christian faith, it definitely applies to all of us, perhaps most especially to those of us who have become complacent in our faith. First, we must not quench the Holy Spirit within us. The Spirit is often referred to in fire-like terms, such as in the depiction of the Pentecost where "divided tongues, as of fire" touched everyone present (please see Acts 2:3). Paul cautions us not to pour water on the Spirit but let Him burn within us. We douse the Spirit by ignoring Him, allowing Satan inroads into our soul. We quench the Spirit when we stifle His ministry, whether within ourselves or in our church family. We need to let the Spirit burn, we need to let Him move, within ourselves and our church.

Along similar lines, we should not hate or be jealous of any prophetic words, spoken by us or by others. Sometimes God gives revelation to people for them to share with the rest of us, such as what Jesus gave to the Apostle John that he saved for us all in his Book of Revelation, the last entry in our Holy Bible. We should trust in prophecy communicated by the Spirit and not be envious of the messenger. This leads directly to our last instruction to test all things, only keeping what is right and good. Scripture tells us that as the end of days draws nearer, false prophets and teachers will become more and more prevalent and vocal. We must be on our guard, examine everything, use what our Bible tells us as a guide, pray for discernment from God, and hold firmly to what is good and righteous and toss the rest. The Spirit will help us if we don't quench Him. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for sending God's Holy Spirit to live within us, to guide us and comfort us. May He always burn within us with an unquenchable fire, allowing us to understand what is good and leading us in a personal ministry that will further our Father's kingdom. In Your holy name, Jesus our Redeemer we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Resurrection and Rapture

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
 --1 Thessalonians 4:16-17  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 4, 2013 of Proverbs 2:6-11; 1 Thessalonians 4; Job 30-31:23.

One of the issues Paul wanted to clarify in his first letter to the church in Thessalonica concerned what happens to those believers who die before Jesus returns. In doing so, he also provides an answer to a question that is near and dear to many today. But first things first. What about Christians that pass on before Christ's return?

Paul begins his answer by looking ahead to what will happen on the day Jesus comes back. In the first of today's focus verses Paul says that the Lord will come down from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with a blast from the trumpet of God. This is very similar to the description he gave the church in Corinth regarding this glorious event, when he wrote in his first letter to them, "at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised" (1 Corinthians 15:52). The Apostle John, in his Revelation from Jesus, describes in a like manner how God's two witnesses are revived and taken back to heaven: "And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, 'Come up here.' And they ascended into heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them." (Revelation 11:12.) Paul continues that the dead in Christ, those who have already died after having been faithful believers in Christ, would be called up to heaven first, to be followed by those believers still alive on earth at that time.

Now comes the part of great interest to many of us today. Paul states that the dead believers who are called first and the living believers that follow are all "caught up together". The Latin for "caught up" gives us the word "rapture", and that is exactly what Paul describes, the rapture of Christ's church. Pay attention to where this occurs - "in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air". Christ has not yet returned to the earth, but has stopped in midair to call His church home. So the final day of judgment and His triumphant victory over evil are not yet on us when the rapture takes place! Now look back to how Paul praises the church in Thessalonica earlier in this letter for patiently waiting for "Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come" (1 Thessalonians 1:10). Jesus descends from heaven, stops in the air above the earth, and calls His church home, both the living and the dead, to save us from the wrath of God to come. This is scriptural evidence for those of us who believe the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation, evidence from a man who had a very special connection to Jesus. But the most important point Paul makes here, the one with no ambiguity, is also the most reassuring. "And thus we shall always be with the Lord." The resurrected dead, the raptured living, all of us will be reunited with each other and reconciled with God, and will live with Jesus our Redeemer forever. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we owe it all to You! When You return to take Your church home, all those who believe in You, the quick and the dead, will be raised together. Through Your blood sacrifice we are redeemed and reconciled with God our Father. By His grace we will live forever with You in His many roomed mansion. Thank You, Lord Jesus! Thank You, Father God! And thank You, Holy Spirit, for getting us through each day! In the most precious of all names, the dearest name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

The Knowledge of God

Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.
 --Proverbs 2:3, 5  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 3, 2013 of Proverbs 2:1-5; 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13; Job 28-29.

Solomon opens the Book of Proverbs by establishing the goal we should all aspire to: "To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding." (Please see Proverbs 1:2.) He goes on to provide us with the first steps toward achieving that goal, along with a disclaimer: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7.) So it is important that we heed the instructions of our wise teacher Solomon, lest we be considered fools. Now wisdom can be defined as using knowledge, the things we know, in a practical and successful way. Instruction is training, being taught lessons, and can include discipline. For instance, we perhaps best learn to carefully handle extremely hot objects by being burned once. So Solomon says that while instruction imparts knowledge, the starting point of gaining this knowledge that allows wisdom is to fear the Lord, to revere God and submit to His will.

If we consider the proverbs in this book to be an instruction set on how to live a Godly life while here on earth and to be assured of a reward in the life to come, then today's focus verses form the first and primary instruction for each section of our guidebook to life: seek discernment into God's will. Solomon beseeches us to cry out, to lift our voice and ask for understanding. This isn't just some silent prayer, although it is indeed a request we need to make straight from the heart. This should be a good long talk with God, including times of purposeful stillness to listen for His response. To even begin to gain the knowledge we need to eventually achieve some level of wisdom in this life, we need to know what God would have us do with our life, and then do it. Ask God, give voice to that plea for seeing and understanding His will for us, and the Holy Spirit within us will help us communicate.

Job concurs with Solomon and offers the same advice, as he received it from God, in another part of today's Bible readings when he states, "And to man He said, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.'" (Job 28:28.) Once we understand just how important it is for us to discern God's will for us and then to strive to fulfill it, resisting temptation and sin will be easier for us. Living God's will bears its own rewards. But first we need to find out what God has in mind for us, what He would have us do. The only way to find out is to ask. We should prepare ourselves in whatever manner works best for us, maybe in silence or with soft music playing in the background. Perhaps read some scripture or inspirational literature. We just need to put ourselves into a reverent spirit, a right and righteous frame of mind and heart, and then lift our voice to the Lord seeking His will. If we are sincere, and patient, and listen for His reply, He will answer. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we long to discern Your will, to understand what You would have us do. So we cry out to You for Your knowledge. Please instruct us in Your ways so that we might follow them. Help us, please Father, to always follow the example of Your Son Jesus, for He is the Way. In the glorious name of Jesus our Savior we pray. Amen.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Our True Justification

"For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he may gain much, if God takes away his life? Will God hear his cry when trouble comes upon him?"
 --Job 27:8-9  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 2, 2013 of Proverbs 1:28-33; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16; Job 26-27.

Job continues defending himself before his friends, insisting he is innocent of the sin of which they accuse him. While he may have reached a turning point in how he views his current state when weighed against future redemption (please refer to "My Redeemer Lives"), he is still leaning on what he has done in his life, or more specifically on what he has not done, which is sin against God. In this regard, Job tends to justify himself as deserving of that future promise due to his own efforts rather than as an act of grace by God. This will soon come back to haunt Job as he will be chastised for this very attitude, but for now he holds forth against those who would dare accuse him of some nameless but horrendous sin, so severe that God would punish him this harshly.

The accused appears to become the accuser. Job may be speaking in generalities when he refers to "my enemy" as "the hypocrite", but all this time he has been addressing only the three men who are adamant that he has sinned grievously against God, a charge he vehemently denies. How long will a man stand being attacked before he fights back? It appears Job is doing just that, striking back and calling his friends hypocrites, perhaps implying they do the very thing they accuse him of. What gain can they possibly receive from all this, Job wonders, if God takes away their lives? Or what would it gain him, for that matter, if he is the hypocrite they seem to think him. This calls forth the similar question Jesus posed when He asked, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Please see "Profit and Gain".)

And this is part of the lesson for us to understand here. The words Job uses in today's focus verses to accuse his accusers pretty much describe himself. His main complaint has been that God has not answered his question of why all this could happen. When trouble came upon him, God seemingly did not hear his cry, or at least did not immediately respond to it. All he ever gained has been taken from him. So is Job the hypocrite he appears to accuse his friends of being?

Sometimes we are too much like Job in that we may be a little too quick to go on the offensive when we feel we are being unjustly attacked, rather than just turn the other cheek as Jesus instructs (please see Matthew 5:39). But perhaps our greater failing we share with Job is that we can somehow justify ourselves, that by our efforts alone we can earn our place in heaven, that God will be pleased simply because we do not sin (which is, of course, impossible for we are born in sin and can not help but sin in the light of God's righteousness). Or maybe we feel the complete opposite, that we are such terrible sinners God could never allow us into His home. We can never justify ourselves in God's eyes, never merit His love, and our Father knows and understands this. That is exactly why He sent Jesus to us, that we might be justified through Him to receive God's generous and unmerited grace. Jesus is our Redeemer, and none other. Amen.

Father, no matter how much we might try, no matter what we might do, we can never justify ourselves to be righteous in Your sight. Only through Your Son can we receive justification and redemption for our sin. Only by Your unmerited grace may we gain entry into heaven and a life eternal with You and Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful gift! Thank You, Jesus, for making the sacrifice on our behalf so that we might be justified in God's sight. In Your holy and precious name, Lord Jesus our Christ we pray. Amen.

A Great Compliment

For they themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
 --1 Thessalonians 1:9-10  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 1, 2013 of Proverbs 1:20-27; 1 Thessalonians 1; Job 23-25.

Paul authored two letters to the church in Thessalonica, but in them he spoke for himself, his young protege' and close associate in the ministry, Timothy, and Silvanus, who we know better as Silas, the brother who accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey in place of Barnabas. It was on this second trip that they first stopped at Thessalonica, and this port city was only the second European location where the Gospel was preached, with Philippi being the first. Upon arriving in Athens, Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to see to the newly formed church. Timothy later rejoined Paul in Corinth, where the two Thessalonian letters were penned.

Paul's first letter was intended to serve a number of purposes in addition to just keeping his name and his efforts alive there. He wanted to defend against some who were saying his ministry was all about profit and nothing more. He needed to encourage the people there not only to stand strong against the persecution they would face but to also resist the temptation and pressure to return to their former pagan practices (for most in the church were Gentiles without a history of worshiping God). He wanted to better clarify what happens to followers of Christ who die before He returns. And he decided to cover a few other issues the people might have to deal with and tasks ahead of the church. But before all this, Paul and his colleagues praise the church for how they have stayed true to Jesus and to Paul's teachings, even though the three had been forced to leave rather hastily by the local authorities (and hence Paul's urgency in sending Timothy back).

In today's focus verses, Paul pays the church in Thessalonica a huge compliment by noting when he and his brothers talked to people in their travels regarding that church, that everyone remarked how the Thessalonians had turned from idolatry to worshiping God and how true they were staying to Christ. This short passage also includes a very important message for us. All these people that Paul and Timothy and Silas talked to knew about the church in Thessalonica because the people there did not keep their new-found faith assurance to themselves, but spread the Good News they first heard from Paul with anyone and everyone they could! To them, the Gospel was too good not to share. Not only did they serve the living and true God, waiting patiently for His Son to return, but while waiting they didn't just sit around in their church singing hymns and praying, they went out and talked to other people and told them all about Jesus. This is what our Lord wants us to do, not only to worship and serve God and keep our faith in Jesus strong and steadfast, but also to go into all the world preaching the Gospel and making disciples of every nation (please see Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19). If the Thessalonians could do it, then so can we. Amen.

Precious Savior Jesus, You gave so much for us and ask so little in return. You want us to spread the Good News of Your great sacrifice. You want us to leave the comfort and security of our church walls and go into the world baptizing in Your name and making disciples of all God's people. Give us the strength of the Thessalonians that we might accomplish all that You ask, and in so doing enhance the kingdom of God. In Your holy name, Redeemer Jesus we pray. Amen.