[The following is a manuscript of my message delivered on Sunday morning, the 17th of September, 2023, at Pilgrim Reformed Church. A recording should be available on our YouTube streaming channel:
13 I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know you have eternal life. 14 And we are sure of this, that He will listen to us whenever we ask Him for anything in line with His will. 15 And if we really know He is listening when we talk to Him and make our requests, then we can be sure that He will answer us.16 If you see a Christian sinning in a way that does not end in death, you should ask God to forgive him, and God will give him life unless he has sinned that one fatal sin. But there is that one sin which ends in death, and if he has done that, there is no use praying for him. 17 Every wrong is a sin, of course. I’m not talking about these ordinary sins; I am speaking of that one that ends in death.18 No one who has become part of God’s family makes a practice of sinning, for Christ, God’s Son, holds him securely, and the devil cannot get his hands on him. 19 We know that we are children of God and that all the rest of the world around us is under Satan’s power and control. 20 And we know that Christ, God’s Son, has come to help us understand and find the true God. And now we are in God because we are in Jesus Christ His Son, who is the only true God; and He is eternal Life.21 Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts. Amen.Sincerely, John
--1 John 5:13-21 (TLB)
Once the Devil was walking along with one of his cohorts. They saw a man ahead of them pick up something shiny. "What did he find?", asked the cohort."A piece of the truth," the Devil replied."Doesn't it bother you that he found a piece of the truth?", asked the cohort."No," said the Devil, "I will see to it that he makes a religion out of it."
28 “I solemnly declare that any sin of man can be forgiven, even blasphemy against Me; 29 but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven. It is an eternal sin.”
--Mark 3:28-29 (TLB)
8 And now the Word of the Lord has spread out from you to others everywhere, far beyond your boundaries, for wherever we go we find people telling us about your remarkable faith in God. We don’t need to tell them about it, 9 for they keep telling us about the wonderful welcome you gave us, and how you turned away from your idols to God so that now the living and true God only is your Master. 10 And they speak of how you are looking forward to the return of God’s Son from heaven — Jesus, whom God brought back to life — and He is our only Savior from God’s terrible anger against sin.
--1 Thessalonians 1:8-10 (TLB)