Thursday, December 14, 2006

God With Us

"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”
-- Matthew 1:23

How do you show someone you really love them? How do you tell them that they mean everything to you? Not with words, for words are easy to utter and can be used to hide true meaning. We give them something that shows great consideration and care in picking out the gift. We make great personal sacrifices, do for them what others would not even think of. We give of ourselves to them.

That the Creator of the universe and all within it would love us, part of His creation, is incredible enough. That He would go to such great lengths to show us His love would be unbelievable had we not the very evidence of the birth of Jesus. First He chose a young, devout couple, engaged but not yet married, that He trusted enough to raise His own Son. Then He sent His emissaries, the angels, to convince them of His intent, to ensure them of their part. The teenage girl, so clean and pure, would bear His seed and bring forth into this world the Son of God, the Son of man, the Word made flesh. The young man, devout in his love of God, would take the girl as his wife, shelter and support her and her child. Together they would raise the boy as their own, preparing him for the greatest role ever played on the stage of life. And God allowed His Spirit made flesh to be born into lowly squalor, a food trough for cattle serving as his bed, a few simple shepherds watching over him and his parent as he slept.

God gave us Himself, made His Spirit to walk among us, born of woman in the most humble of settings. Emmanuel, God with us. God chose to walk among us, as one of us. He chose to suffer and sacrifice for us, that we might be washed clean by the blood of the Lamb so as to be pure in the presence of God, forgiven of the very sin we were born into. The greatest gift imaginable, only to show us God's love.

Emmanuel. God with us. Then, now, and for ever and ever. Amen.

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