Thursday, January 31, 2013

God Around Us

The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.    
--Psalm 24:1  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on January 31, 2013 of Psalm 24; Matthew 21:33-22:14; Exodus 7-8.

God is sovereign, He rules over all and holds sway over every created thing.  All the great abundance of life that we see and smell and hear and touch and taste, God brought into existence just by speaking His word.  Everything is His; He created it all, He owns it all, it is all His to do with as He pleases.  And He gives it all to us, for our nourishment and for our pleasure.  Yes, He provides for our physical needs with food and water and shelter.  But He also provides for our spiritual needs with all the bounty of His creation.  Our survival does not depend upon breath-taking sunsets, colorful birds and fishes and flowers, the vast variety of life, the miracle of a baby's fingers, the stars filling our night's sky.  No, these and so much more He gives us of His wondrous creation out of the pure goodness and generosity of His heart and simply for our enjoyment and pleasure.  Thank you, Lord!  Thank you, Father.

O Father, I pray that man might open his eyes and look into the night sky, the sunrise, the distant storm, and see the beauty of Your handiwork, and that it then open his heart to You.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.

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