Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Resolve This

So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.  Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's way.
--Romans 14:12-13  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on April 17, 2013 of Psalm 75; Romans 14:1-18; Joshua 6:20-8:29.

Paul uses chapter fourteen of this letter to instruct the church in Rome, and all of us who read it, of how Christians should act toward one another in areas where proper conduct might be debatable, in those grey areas where right and wrong may not be so easily discerned.  He cautions that we should not judge one another in such matters between Christians, because God has accepted us all through Jesus Christ, both those who may be weaker in their faith and those stronger.  Because of this acceptance, we can hold differing opinions in good conscience; we can agree to disagree, but we should disagree amicably, remembering always that we are to love one another (please reference John 13:34).

Today's focus verses point out clearly why we should be careful in how we deal with and treat others, how we handle our relationships with one another.  Each of us will have to some day answer to God for our actions and for those times we failed to act.  We will answer to God Almighty, not to man.  We may at some point have to answer to man concerning the laws of man, but we will definitely answer to the Creator of all things for how we followed and obeyed Jesus Christ His Son.  Since God will be judge of us all, we should not stand in judgement of others.  This truth is also provided in another verse of today's scripture reading when Asaph relates that God declares, "When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly."  (Please see Psalm 75:2.)  Where we might judge others unequally, showing or withholding favor because of our own preferences or biases, God will judge each of us equitably, uprightly, on the merits of each individual case.  Jesus Himself tells us, "Judge not, that you not be judged."  (Please reference Matthew 7:1.)  He warns that we will be judged in the same way we judge others, that we will be held up to the same scrutiny and standards we hold others to.  Few of us could pass all the tests we give others.

Along these lines, Paul instructs that we should do nothing to cause other folks to stumble or fall as they make their way through the tangles of a faith life.  We should do nothing to block them in their journey to righteousness.  He tells us to "resolve" not to do so, to make a conscious decision not to hold other believers back in their walk of faith or do anything to keep a non-believer from coming to Jesus.  Our harsh judgement of someone else could certainly trip them up and make them falter, but so could our not allowing them the same liberties we allow ourselves.  Paul tells us in the next verse that nothing from God is unclean in and of itself unless a person truly believes it to be unclean.  A person weaker in their faith may consider something a grave sin that a person of stronger faith might not, or the other way around.  Resolve not to trip each other up for these reasons.  Instead, love one another as Jesus loves us.  Amen.

Lord of all, thank You for all You have given us, and especially for the One in whom we put our faith, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Forgive us, Father, when we judge others.  Rather than raise ourselves above them, we lower ourselves in Your eyes.  Help us make a conscious effort of not sitting in judgement of our brothers and sisters nor of holding them to a different standard than we hold ourselves.  In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior we pray.  Amen.

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