Sunday, June 02, 2013

Manifold Works

O Lord, how manifold are Your works!  In wisdom You have made them all.  The earth is full of Your possessions -- 
--Psalm 104:24  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on June 2, 2013 of Psalm 104:10-26; 1 Corinthians 13; 2 Samuel 20-21.

The 104th Psalm is another of those whose author is unknown to us today, but is nonetheless beautiful in its praise to the Lord.  It poetically renders the creation story from the first chapter of the book of Genesis, portraying God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth.  It honors Him as the One who modified and adapted the earth specifically for the needs of all the plants that would grow on its surface and all the creatures that would walk or crawl upon its face, fly above it, or swim its seas.  It glorifies the Lord as having dominion and sovereignty over all that He made.  The psalm then closes by noting that God is indeed worthy of our praise.

Today's focus verse begins the stanzas that speak to God's sovereignty.  The psalmist's words beautifully manage to convey a sense of awe when we pause to consider this wonderful world God created.  The word "manifold" alone imparts to the reader how great and diverse God's creation truly is, teeming with a nearly endless variety of wildlife and plant life.  Yet at the same time, everything is unique in its own way.  No two snowflakes are exactly alike, nor are any two fingerprints the same.  There is an unmistakable order to life, set in place with the words, "Let there be light!", and each creature and every thing has its place in that order.  How marvelous is our God to have created such wonder!  Some would have us think that all of this simply came into being basically by accident, but the order of the world belies that premise.  Only an all-intelligent, all-wise, all-powerful, and all-capable being could have made everything that is and then set it into motion with an inherent ability to maintain itself, even in spite of man's efforts to destroy it.  No, God, in His vast wisdom, made all of this and then entrusted it into our care.

God gave us this glorious, lush, and treasure-filled garden, just for our pleasure and enjoyment.  He daily paints our morning and evening skies with masterpieces no human artist can hope to duplicate.  He brings the rains, the snows, the warming sunshine.  His work wasn't really finished when He stopped to rest on the seventh day.  He continues still today, looking after his manifold possessions, and will do so forever.  Amen.

Father, thank You so very much for this beautiful, glorious, and wildly diverse garden You have made and given to us for our enjoyment!  Forgive us, please Lord, if we ever doubt Your existence, or Your love.  You are sovereign throughout all of creation, and Your Son will reign for ever and ever.  In His holy name, Jesus, we pray.  Amen.

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