Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Sign of Jonah

"For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also the Son of Man will be to this generation.  The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here."
 --Luke 11:30, 32  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on August 7, 2013 of Psalm 133; Luke 11:29-36; Ezra 6-7.

Jesus describes mankind during His time on earth as an "evil generation" (please see verse 29).  It seeks some sign of the long awaited Messiah, but Jesus cautions that the only sign they will receive is the same given to the people of Nineveh: the warning from God of impending judgment as delivered by Jonah.  Jesus is in effect saying that He is this era's, this generation's Jonah, and so much more.

When we think of Jonah, we may first remember his reluctance to do as God commanded him.  Rather than give any chance of salvation to the Ninevites, his hated enemies, he tried running the opposite way.  God had other plans, though, and so had Jonah swallowed up by a great fish and dropped off on the very shores of Nineveh.  Upon hearing God's warning from Jonah, the king and all the people did an about-face, fully repented and turned to God.

The comparison between Jesus and Jonah fails in two regards.  First, Jesus never tried to run away from His responsibilities.  He never tried to shirk His duty or escape God's will for Him.  The only glimmer of reluctance He displayed at all was when He asked the Father to take the cup away from His lips if possible, but then immediately added that nonetheless, no matter what He might want or prefer, that God's will must be done (please reference Matthew 26:39).  And unlike Jonah, who hated the Ninevites, Jesus loved those He was sent by God to save.  It is also interesting to note that Jonah rode in the belly of the fish for three days before being delivered up to Nineveh where he could offer the people salvation from damnation.  Jesus died and went to the belly of hell until on the third day He was delivered up to all mankind so that He can offer everlasting salvation from damnation to us all.

Jonah came and issued a warning from God and the people listened and were saved.  Jesus came and issued a more severe warning from God, but most of the people of that time refused to listen.  Fortunately for all mankind, the warning Jesus gave and the offer of salvation He made are still in effect, still valid, still ours for the taking.  Jesus is greater by far than Jonah, who was given responsibility over only a certain segment of people and for a very limited time.  Jesus accepted and bears responsibility over all of humanity for all time.  But His offer will end some day, and maybe soon, when He comes to redeem those who gratefully received Him, when He comes to take His church home.  We must turn our hearts to be more like the Ninevites than the Pharisees.  We must heed God's warning and believe in Jesus as His Son and our Lord and Master so we are not condemned on the day of judgment.  Recognize the sign of Jonah, heed the warning of God, believe in Jesus, and be saved.  Amen.

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Your Son as a special messenger bearing Your warning to us all.  Thank You for giving us a chance at redemption, a way out of condemnation, an escape from damnation.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the great sacrifice You made just for us, just that we might be saved.  We love You, sweet Jesus, and know You are our Lord.  In Your precious name, Christ Jesus we pray.  Amen.

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