Tuesday, January 30, 2007

He Strengthens Me

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
-- Philippians 4:13

Sometimes life just gets us down. Many of us go through periods when the troubles and woes of the world weigh so heavily upon our shoulders that we wonder how much more we can stand, not knowing where we might find that little extra courage to face another day, that little boost to get over the next hump. During those stretches, that can go for weeks, months, or even years without a true break, it is all we can do just to climb out of bed every morning. In the past during such lows, I always took some small measure of relief from the words of the Psalmist:

I will lift up my eyes to the hills --
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
-- Psalm 121:1-2

This passage always comforted me, for it does not say that I go to the Lord for help. No, it says that my help comes from the Lord. My gracious Savior comes to me in my time of need and helps me. I only have to go to Him in prayer, then He comes to my aid. How moving is this thought, that the Creator of all would come to me, one of His many children, a sinner, a small sheep lost and confused? My help comes from the Lord. This became my mantra, an oft repeated phrase, when times got roughest.

Until recently, when my dearest friend presented me with a most wonderful gift - a lovingly used New Testament Bible. This pocket Bible had been presented to her earthly father many years ago, shortly before he departed this life to go be with his heavenly Father. This was a man who I happen to share a good bit in common with, including love of our Father and a deep compelling drive to learn more about Him and our own purposes in life. My friend could give me no better gift than this precious piece of her father, one which he carefully annotated with notes, thoughts, and the highlighting of meaningful verses. His favorite is the subject of this particular missive -- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I now cherish this small Bible and this verse, which I have also adopted as my own.

So now, during the darkest of days when the world crushes me with each turn, I can take comfort in knowing that my Lord and Savior not only comes to me and brings me help, He also strengthens me when I have no strength left. Through Him, I can survive. Through Him, I can rise from my bed and face another day. Through Him, I can do all things, for He gives me strength.

When I think I can go no further I look to heaven, for my help comes from the Lord who strengthens me.

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