Friday, January 19, 2007

Learn, Share, Teach

Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things.
-- 2 Timothy 2:7

As we close out 2006, many of us make resolutions for the coming year, usually to improve some aspect of our physical appearance, our general conduct, or our behavior. Our good brother and Pastor John has given my fellow congregants a challenge: to attend Sunday School as well as the regular worship service as many Sundays as we possibly can. This correspondent has accepted his challenge and hopes all of you, my kind readers, will join me if you don't already attend as many worship and learning services as possible, including any held weekday evenings, such as Bible studies and prayer and inspiration sessions.

Our longing to be reunited with God often compels us to want to learn more and more, as much as humanly possible, about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Father. The Bible is the best source of knowledge and history, but we can also gain helpful insights from our fellow sojourners in this life. You may be surprised at how much someone you share a pew with each Sunday morning knows about certain events during those times Christ walked among us, or the interesting angle and background they can provide. We can all gain more information, and we all have something we can impart for others.

The old saying, "You learn something new every day!", still holds true. How many times have you heard someone say, or said yourself, "I never knew that" or "I didn't realize that" or "I never looked at it quite that way"? We've heard those words, or similar phrases, a number of times the last few weeks in my Sunday School class, and we aren't exactly spring chickens any more. No matter the subject, there is always someone more knowledgeable than ourselves, there is always someone with a slightly different viewpoint, there is always someone with an experience we have not had. We learn from each of these, and by sharing, we help others learn.

So join us Sundays and Wednesdays and any other day some opportunity presents itself to gain a better understanding of our Savior and thus build a more fulfilling relationship with God. Come to learn, come to share, and come to teach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.