Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Separation Anxiety

For evildoers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.
--Psalm 37:9  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on February 19, 2013 of Psalm 37:1-9; Acts 4:32-5:11; Leviticus 4-5.

People often fail to realize just how prophetic David was.  This verse could easily have been taken from the Revelation of Christ as given to the Apostle John.  The evildoers being cut off mentioned here could be those falling before the sharp scythes wielded by the angels of death reaping the harvest during the Great Tribulation, or they could be the goats separated (or cut off) by Jesus unto His left hand from the lambs to His right hand when He has come again and defeated the evil one.  Those inheriting the earth could well be the ones on Jesus' right hand who get to dwell with Him forever on the newly transformed earth.  The meek that Jesus describes as inheriting the earth could very well be defined as "those who wait on the Lord".  And isn't that a wonderful description of a person, one we could welcome and cherish.

David knew these future events would unfold because he had insight and inspiration from the Lord.  And it helps form the basis of all our hope, just as Jesus promised.  Those who follow the evil one will be separated, cut off.  Those who follow Jesus will live with Him forever.  All glory to the Lord!  Amen.

All compassionate Jesus, thank You for Your promise of our eternal life with You.  Thank You for paying the price for us, a price so dear we could never pay it on our own.  Thank You for judging those who cause so much evil, hardship, and heartbreak in our worldly lives and Your assurance of our heavenly lives being without suffering and pain but filled with the greatest joys beyond imagining.  In Your name, sweet Jesus, we pray.  Amen.

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