Friday, May 10, 2013

Believe and Receive

"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
--Mark 11:24  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on May 10, 2013 of Psalm 89:19-29; Mark 11:1-26; 1 Samuel 5-7.

Jesus made what we call His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Sunday, humbly riding in on a colt to the shouts of "Hosanna!", lifted up by the same people who would soon desert Him.  That evening He and His followers returned to Bethany for the night.  The next day they arose and headed back to Jerusalem.  Jesus was hungry, and spotting a fig tree in leaf, He thought He could get something to break His fast.  But the fig tree bore no fruit so He cursed it.  That evening, returning once again to Bethany, they came upon the same fig tree, but now it was withered and dead.  The disciples are incredulous, but Jesus tells them, "Have faith in God" (please see verse 22).  He assures them that real faith can move a mountain as long as they truly believe (verse 23).  So anything they ask God for in prayer, they need to believe that they have already received it, and it will be theirs (verse 24).

This declaration is similar to many incidents we read about in the Old Testament when the children of Israel were fighting against their enemies in the Promised Land, especially during the period of the judges.  For example, when Gideon and his 300 men were about to face off against over 100,000 Midians, God told him, "Arise, go down against the camp, for I have given it into your hands."  (Please see Judges 7:9b.)  Even though the battle had not yet been fought in Gideon's time, it had already been won in God's time.  All Gideon had to do was believe that he had received the victory and God made it happen.  Jesus tells us the same thing.  We only need to believe, truly and fully believe without any doubt, that what we are asking for has been given to us, and it will be ours.  Perhaps too many times we hope for something rather than truly believe we already have it.  When we do so, we place limits on God, on His power and goodness and mercy.  If we hope it will happen instead of believing it has already happened, we may be sending God the message that we don't think He is capable of making it happen or we don't trust Him to make it happen.

Jesus does put one condition on this assurance, though.  First and foremost, no matter what we ask for nor how much we believe it has already been given, it must be what God wills to happen and fall within His time frame.  It must be in God's will, not ours; within God's time, not ours.  (Please reference, for example, Matthew 6:10 and Mark 14:36, among others.)  But have faith, and God will move mountains for us.  Trust in Him, for God is capable of all things.  Amen.

Kind and generous Father, thank You so much for giving us what we need, if not always what we ask for.  You know what is best for us and we trust in You.  Forgive us when we doubt, when we place human limits on Your infinite power and capability.  In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we pray.  Amen.

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