Monday, July 29, 2013

Glad to Go to Church

I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord."
 --Psalm 122:1  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on July 27, 2013 of Psalm 122; Luke 6:20-49; 2 Chronicles 18:28-20.

Psalms 120 through 134 are all titled "A Song of Ascents" and together form a hymnal that was used by the children of Israel on pilgrimage to Jerusalem (for "going up to Jerusalem", hence "ascents") for the holy annual feasts like Passover and Pentecost.  Psalm 122 is one of four written by David, in which he recounts his own experience as a pilgrim to Jerusalem, the city he praises in his song as both the spiritual and civic heart of the nation.  In its verses he calls to the people to be in prayer that Jerusalem, and by extension all of Israel, be at peace.

David begins his song by expressing the joy he felt when told it was time to go on his pilgrimage.  We can sense his absolute delight at the opportunity to go up to the tabernacle in Jerusalem, to the house of the Lord.  We can feel his anticipation, his growing excitement, as he prepares for the short trip.  As I read his first verse, I envision a child going to bed on Christmas eve, unable to sleep because of thoughts of what wonders would be revealed under the tree come morning.  Was this the source of David's gladness, knowing the wonders that awaited him in the house of the Lord?

Wouldn't it be totally amazing and truly marvelous if everyone who calls themselves Christian would be so excited about going to church each Sunday morning (or some other time during the week if need be)?  We should be, since the wonders of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will meet us there if we gather in Jesus' name.  And the fellowship and support we can find there with other like-minded individuals is unparalleled in any other area of our life.  We should climb into bed on Saturday nights thinking, "I can't wait to go to church in the morning!"  The excitement should build and then burst upon us as we walk through the doors of the house of the Lord, the building that shelters God's people, our family in Christ.  But too many of us seem like we can't be bothered to spend an hour or two within those walls even just once a week.  We may have good reasons, most likely we don't.  God gives us so much, and asks so little in return.  The very least we can do is to spend a little time with His family every week and worship Him.  Please don't begrudge Jesus those few hours.  Amen.

Father in heaven, we should be glad to come into Your house with our brothers and sisters in Christ and worship You.  Our delight should be so great as to be infectious, spreading to all with whom we come into contact.  We should be excited and look forward to each weekly visit with great joy.  Yet we too often feel it more of a duty, something we must do if we wish to be considered Christian.  Our misguided importance on church attendance trumps the true meaning of coming together to love and support each other as we thank and worship You for all Your many blessings.  Forgive us, Lord Jesus, for not keeping You in our hearts as we should.  Help us delight in Your presence.  In the name of  Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior we pray.   Amen.

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