Monday, July 01, 2013

Then Far, Now Near

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.
 --Ephesians 2:13,18  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on June 29, 2013 of Psalm 117; Ephesians 2:11-22; 2 Kings 20-21.

In the first chapter of his letter to the church in Ephesus, verses 22 and 23, Paul lays the foundation for his comparison of the church with a physical human body, a comparison he draws upon often when describing how we should interact with one another and with the world.  The "church" Paul speaks of is not just the one in Ephesus, but the church universal, all churches throughout the world to which true believers in Christ belong, regardless of local church denomination or affiliation.  This is similar to the method Jesus employed in His revelation to the Apostle John when He used the seven churches in Asia as representative of all churches throughout all ages (please reference Revelation 2-3).  Paul is speaking to all believers as to their relationship within the combined church of Jesus Christ.  In the section of his letter surrounding and including today's focus verses, Paul expands on this concept.

If the church can be looked at as the body of Jesus Christ, then Christ Himself must be its Head.  Jesus must be the true leader of the church - not ministers or deacons or Elder Boards or Consistories or Synods or Assemblies or any other church committee formed of man, but Jesus Christ Himself.  We can follow where He would lead by reading of His life, His words, and His acts as recorded by the Gospel writers in our Holy Bible.  We can discern His will by opening our hearts to listen as He speaks to us in the stillness and silence.  We can seek and access His presence and council at any time through earnest prayer.

This ready access to Jesus, once we have accepted Him as Master and received the Holy Spirit into our lives, brings us closer to God our Father, the Creator of all and everything.  Even though our sin carried us further and further away from God, the cross of Jesus provides us with the needed bridge to walk back into our Father's loving arms.  As a member of the body of Christ, we have direct access to the body's Head, which is Christ.  And through Him and by being washed clean by His blood, we now have ready access to God our Father and to His Holy Spirit.  We once were far from God, separated from Him by sin.  But the body will carry us forward if we all work together with our Head, our Lord Jesus Christ, so we can again draw nearer to God.  Amen.

Loving Jesus, please forgive us when we forget our order in this life, when we think we can get along just fine without the love and guidance You can provide if we only follow You.  You are the Head of the body of Your church, the only One who can lead us safely through this world into life eternal with You.  Thank You for Your leadership, for the Spirit's guidance, and for God's grace and mercy.  In Your glorious name, Lord Jesus our Head, we pray.   Amen.

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