Friday, May 30, 2008

The Way

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

-- John 14:6 (NKJV)

In chapter fourteen of his Gospel, the Apostle John continues his recounting of the last meal Jesus shares with His disciples before His crucifixion. Up to this point during what we call the Last Supper, through John's thirteenth chapter, Jesus has gathered His beloved followers together, washed their feet, identified Judas Iscariot as His betrayer, given His new commandment, that we love one another as we love ourselves, and predicted Peter's upcoming denial of Him.

Now as John continues, Jesus reassures His disciples that they know where He is going soon, and, of greater import to this section, they know the way to where He is going. Thomas questions this, saying that they do not know where Jesus is going so how could they possibly know the way. And here Jesus makes it very clear, to Thomas and those assembled that day so long ago, and to us today. Here He does not relate a parable as He so often does when trying to get across a complex point. Here He states exactly what we and they and all His followers need to be assured of, need to understand clearly and without question or doubt. Jesus Himself is the way.

Jesus lets His disciples know that He is soon to return to His Father, to God. He assures them that He is going ahead to prepare a place for them in His Father's many-mansioned house, and if He is doing that for them then surely He will return and take them back with Him. But to go with Him they must know the way, and that way is Jesus.

The message is clear for us today as well: If we wish to live eternity with our heavenly Father, we must follow Jesus, for He is the way, He is the correct and only path that leads to the Father. He is the truth of all of existence, and in Him we can trust, in His word we can believe. And He is the life, for only through Him can we find eternal life. But make no mistake: no one -- NO ONE can come before God, our Father in heaven, except that they go through Jesus Christ our risen Lord and Savior!

So many times the Gospel writers included the words of Jesus that indicate what we need to do to gain eternal life. And Jesus tried teaching that lesson in so many ways. John 3:16 is a great example: whoever believes in the Son of God will not perish but have everlasting life. But here, in chapter 14 verse 6, Jesus, through the hand of John His beloved, tells us in no uncertain terms that through Him and only through Him may we reach that goal. He is the way. His word is the truth. His death, and defeat of death, leads to our life. And only through Him will we live that life for ever and ever.

Jesus is the way. Amen.

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