Sunday, February 03, 2013

Passing the Test

Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my mind and my heart.
--Psalm 26:2  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on February 3, 2013 of Psalm 26; Matthew 24:1-28; Exodus 12:43-14.

The term "accountability partner" comes to mind when reading this passage.  The concept is to have a trusted friend or acquaintance that will personally hold you accountable for the things you do.  While they may do so with love, they will hold you responsible for your actions.  But David is asking the very God of all creation to look into his life and his heart for any wrongdoing, any flaw, any bad behavior or thought.  God can see anything we think, anything we do, anything we feel within us.  Not many of us, if any, could bear this level of scrutiny and pass a full examination by God.  Not even David.  But David had faith in God's forgiveness and knew that by that alone could he find favor with God.  The One who could indeed withstand God's intense scrutiny has promised to stand by us when we face God.  Jesus, the unblemished Lamb, will once again take on our sins so that God may see Jesus in us, in our minds and our hearts, that we might be proven and gain salvation.  Thank You, Sweet Jesus!

Lord Jesus, thank You so much for loving us, for taking the punishment we deserve, for bearing all our sins upon Your sinless soul.  Thank You especially for being willing to stand by us when that most intimidating time comes, that we bow before the throne of the King to be judged.  In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen.

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