Sunday, March 03, 2013

A Byword Among the Nations

You make us a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and a derision to those all around us.  You make us a byword among the nations, a shaking of the head among the peoples.
--Psalm 44:13-14  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on March 3, 2013 of Psalm 44:9-16; Acts 12; Leviticus 25:8-26:13.

God often found it necessary to teach His chosen people the wisdom of obeying His commandments and following His laws.  Sometimes this meant defeat at the hands of their enemies, exile from their lands, enslavement, or maybe just wandering around in the wilderness for a few generations.  For less serious offenses they may have simply been made to seem weak by other peoples, a laughingstock on the world stage, eyed skeptically by those who wondered why they thought themselves so special.  Their arrogance sometimes led to God bringing them down a notch or two, even turning His back on them when they needed Him to make them more humble.

Are we, the United States, now receiving similar treatment?  Have we become too arrogant, thinking ourselves so much better or more blessed than the rest of the world, putting our needs ahead of the needs of others, seeking to be served rather than to serve?  Do we believe we no longer have need of a God or a Jesus or a Holy Spirit?  We must return to our origins, as a nation and a people brought together under God, before the Lord of all creation turns His face from us and slowly walks away.

Patient Lord, Father God, sometimes we just don't know what's good for us, we don't realize that You have our best interests at heart and that You try to turn us toward the direction we should walk to be with You.  Please forgive us when we strain against You.  Forgive us when we think ourselves somehow above reproach, above Your creation.  Please hear our fervent prayers and grant us Your forgiveness.  In the name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

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