Thursday, March 21, 2013


The commander answered, "With a large sum I obtained this citizenship."  And Paul said, "But I was born a citizen."
--Acts 22:28  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on March 21, 2013 of Psalm 58; Acts 22:22-23:11; Numbers 26:1-34.

Back in Jerusalem, Paul once again found himself in trouble, accused by the local Jews and held by the Roman soldiers.  The Jews incited the city against him and they fell upon Paul and were beating him.  The commander of the Roman guard in the region heard the commotion and brought his men down to investigate.  Seeing a man being beaten, he had Paul taken into what we might call "protective custody".  As he was being led away, Paul asked to address the crowd.  But as he tried to talk the people again shouted him down and threatened him, so the commander had him taken to the barracks for questioning, to find out what these people had against him.  He ordered Paul be scourged in preparation, to soften him up a bit, when Paul asked if it was lawful to scourge a Roman citizen who had not been condemned of any crime.  A centurion told the commander that Paul was a Roman, so the commander went to ask Paul if this was true, to which Paul replied yes.  Paul was born in Tarsus of Roman parents, granting him citizenship by birth.  The commander commented that he had paid a large sum to purchase his citizenship, what would have been a huge amount in those days for a soldier to come up with.  Paul responded that he was born a citizen, the implication being that he had certain rights as a birthright.

When we consider the kingdom of God, we are more like that Roman commander than Paul.  We cannot be born into the kingdom because we are born into the original sin.  Adam and Eve did enjoy a birthright into God's presence, but even they lost their rights to their sin of disobedience.  Our citizenship into God's heaven can be bought, though.  But the cost is enormous, so huge none of us could ever hope to pay it if we lived a thousand thousand lifetimes.  Fortunately for us, we don't have to come up with the payment.  Jesus paid the price for us, with His body broken and His blood poured out.  He paid the price we could never hope to pay, just because He loves us.  God loves us.  Thank You, Jesus!  Amen.

Wonderful Savior, thank You for paying the price of our citizenship into our Father's kingdom!  The cost was so great, only You could pay it.  It cost You Your body, Your blood, Your life.  God rewarded You for Your sacrifice, and He will reward us for our belief in You.  Thank You, Jesus!  Thank You, God our Father!  In Jesus' glorious name we pray.  Amen.

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