Thursday, March 07, 2013

Shout in Triumph

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples!  Shout to God with the voice of triumph!  For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth.
--Psalm 47:1-2  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on March 7, 2013 of Psalm 47; Acts 15:1-21; Numbers 3:21-4:28.

Many of the psalms written by the sons of Korah are happy, joyous songs filled with lots of noise and rejoicing.  If you don't have a musical instrument to play, just clap your hands and shout!  Lift your voice in loud adoration and praising to God, our Lord Most High, because He is an awesome God.  He created everything around us, from the smallest nuclear particle to the largest star and the very entirety of the universe itself.  He knows everything that happens and will happen long before it actually does happen.  He knows the count of every hair on every head.  He is a Sovereign God, Ruler of all the cosmos, yet He allows us free will to do whatever we wish, fully understanding the consequences of our actions.

But notice the sons of Korah tell us to shout with a voice of triumph.  Even though this and all psalms are considered part of the Old Testament, written centuries before Christ's birth, Christians should understand that this refers to Jesus' triumph over death for our sake.  We know the outcome of the great and final battle between good and evil.  We know Jesus reigns victorious and we get to share in the victory.  Clap your hands and shout in triumph!  Jesus reigns!  Amen.

Awesome God, creator of the heavens and the earth, may we lift our voices to You in shouts of triumph!  May we sing Your praises with great gladness and joy.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking our sins upon You who were sinless and for defeating death on our behalf.  We know the final outcome thanks to Your word given us and we sing of victory and triumph!  In the glorious name of Jesus we pray.  Amen.

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