Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Converting Sinners

Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You.
--Psalm 51:13  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on March 13, 2013 of Psalm 51; Acts 18:1-17; Numbers 12-14:12.

King David, the great ruler of the land, had just committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband sent on a suicide mission so he would be killed in battle.  When confronted by Nathan, David is contrite and confesses his sins before God.  He seeks God's forgiveness and asks God to make his heart clean, to even create a new heart within him.  He asks that his spirit be renewed and made steadfast.  He wants desperately  to be right with God again.  He pleads that God not turn His back on him, or take His Holy Spirit away from him.  This is a great fear for David, to fall from God's grace and lose the Holy Spirit.  He promises to teach other sinners God's redemptive ways so that they will be converted.

Here is a model for all Christians.  We've all done something displeasing to God.  The way man views it, some of us have done far worse than others.  Our sins can run the gamut, from gossiping and lying through drug or alcohol dependency to rape and murder, and everything in between.  Each of us has done something in our lives that God disapproves of, that we needed forgiveness for.  We can use these experiences, our misdeeds coupled with God's redeeming and undeserved grace, to relate to others, to approach them and get close enough to them to teach them of God's goodness and how they can also receive what we have been given.  We can share Jesus with them and they can be converted and saved.  We can use our contrite heart as a sacrifice to God, as David says, and help break their sinful spirit so that we might also share in the joy of their salvation.  All glory to God the Father, and to Jesus His Son!  Amen.

Father in heaven, thank You for touching David's heart and creating it anew, for giving him the spirit to teach other sinners, such as us, how we might also be saved.  Thank You for accepting the sacrifice of our contrite hearts and broken spirits, so that we might be redeemed through the blood of Your spotless Lamb.  In the wonderful name of Jesus we pray.   Amen.

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