Saturday, September 07, 2013

A Symbol of Trust

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
 --Proverbs 3:5-6  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 7, 2013 of Proverbs 3:1-6; 2 Thessalonians 2; Job 35-36.

Our wise teacher Solomon offers that wisdom not only can deliver us from wickedness but also promises certain rewards, such as long life and prosperity, favor with God and with man, sure guidance, good health and physical renewal, and a right and proper reaction to discipline. Exercising wisdom can benefit not only us but others as well. Solomon tells us it is important that we not let mercy and truth abandon us, that we never forget to be truthful and merciful in our daily dealings and interactions. It is so critical to hold tight to these principles that Solomon suggests we bind them up with a cord and tie them around our neck to keep them always close to our heart. Some do this symbolically by wearing a cross necklace, maybe under their shirt, not as a fashion statement or accessory, but as a reminder of the truth of our Lord Jesus and God's grace and mercy.

That small cross can also help us pay heed to Solomon's instructions in today's focus verses. We should place our faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and in God our Father, not relying on ourselves or any capabilities we might possess even if those abilities are ours by gifts from God. This sense of reliance on a power far greater than any man underlies how truly helpless we are on our own, when left to our own devices. While we may manage to muddle our way through this life seemingly without God's help, we could never gain eternal life except for the sacrifice of Jesus and the grace of God. We may not think He helps us or even believe we need His help, but He does and we definitely do. So we should not feel somehow insufficient or embarrassed when we lean on His strength.

And as we grow more reliant on God and recognize that reliance, we begin to understand and acknowledge just how important our Lord is to us. We see His hand at work in every aspect of our life. We build a stronger, deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit living within us. We invite an even greater interaction from the Spirit and He then guides our steps, keeping us from evil.

It all begins with trusting the Lord, leaning on His faithfulness, and giving Him all the praise and glory. This is wisdom practically applied. This is how a wise person will live each day, for such offers great rewards. Trust in the Lord, believe in and lean on Jesus, and the future that truly matters will be assured. Amen.

Father God, Lord Jesus, and Guide Spirit, we give ourselves to You. We trust You with our very being, and our eternal life to come. Please help us be as truthful and merciful with others as You are with us. Direct our paths so that we may walk in righteousness. We are Yours, O Lord. In that name above all names, that beautiful name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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