Tuesday, September 17, 2013


You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you.
 --Song of Solomon 4:7  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 17, 2013 of Proverbs 5:21-23; 2 Timothy 3; Song of Solomon 4-6.

Some look at the Hebrew title for this book, translated as The Song of Songs from the first verse, and think it an indication that the main characters in the song may be fictional, only using Solomon's name to make the piece more appealing to its audience, but there is no compelling evidence to support this view. Most agree that Solomon was indeed the author and "The Beloved", whose love for a young Palestinian maiden whom he made his wife forms the basis for this story. While Solomon may not be the best example for such a tale of love and devotion, seeing as how he had 60 wives and 80 concubines and "virgins without number" at the time of the song's writing (as he himself stipulates in chapter 6 verse 8) and will have many more to come (please see 1 Kings 11:3), his skill at painting such a beautiful portrait of romantic love within marriage is unparalleled.

The book opens with Solomon's courtship of the young Shulamite woman, apparently appearing in disguise at first so her family would not realize just who he is. That this richest of kings would actually court and woo the young lady is somewhat amazing, especially in light of how his father, David, had taken his mother, Bathsheba, in marriage (please reference 2 Samuel 11 and 12). After courtship came marriage, with even the wedding procession being described. The consummation of the marriage is beautifully and delicately portrayed. Sadly, a short time later, a slight rift develops between the husband and his wife, but it is soon resolved and the marriage deepens as their love for each other matures.

In the Song of Solomon, unlike the productions of our current entertainment industry, all the steps happen in a proper sequence and manner, just as God intends they should in any love story. All aspects of love between a man and a woman are beautiful gifts of God, including the physical relationship. But those particular fruits are meant to be enjoyed only within the bonds of marriage, when the couple commit themselves fully to each other before God and man. This is clearly shown in the Song. Even the little squabble plays a meaningful role in that it showed each what they stood to lose. And as time progressed, because they were willing to work together and never lost sight of how much they loved each other, the marriage flourished.

When we love one another, sincerely and deeply, we are able to easily overlook each other's faults. This is how the groom viewed his bride in today's focus verse. In his eyes she was lovely and without blemish. This is how God sees us once we have been washed in the blood of Jesus. When we truly believe in Jesus and invite Him to be our Lord and Master, a miracle occurs. We become His and our Father in heaven, in His love, looks at us through the eyes of Jesus and sees us as spotless. Solomon loved his Shulamite wife and saw no spot in her. God loves us much more than that. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this beautiful love story to show us how wonderful a marriage can be when we place You first and adhere to Your commandments for us as husband and wife. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for washing us clean with Your precious blood so that we might appear spotless in the sight of God. Thank You for loving us. In the awesome name of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

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