Friday, September 13, 2013

Wanted: Wisdom

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
 --Proverbs 4:7  (NKJV)

From the daily Bible reading on September 11, 2013 of Proverbs 4:1-9; 1 Timothy 3; Ecclesiastes 1-2.

King Solomon prayed to God for wisdom so that he might rule the people of Israel justly. The Lord granted his request, and then some, making Solomon not only the wisest of men but also the wealthiest. In the Book of Proverbs he imparts some of this great wisdom, as a father passes along knowledge to his child, just as he learned from his father, David. He acknowledges that the beginning of all knowledge is in the fear of the Lord, a concept he possibly picked up from listening to David as he recounted his own life experiences. Solomon shares with us the many benefits wisdom provides, such as being honored by others, being safer due to your own understanding and experience with how things work, and being guided in the way of righteousness. Wisdom also allows us to enjoy a longer life, better health, and a higher degree of integrity.

Today's focus verse seems almost circular, but Solomon is saying that since wisdom is quite possibly the most important possession we could have in our life, we should get some. This is similar to the parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price that Jesus told as a way to describe the kingdom of heaven, as a prize so great we should be willing to give up everything we have to gain it. This is how Solomon emphasizes the worth of wisdom. And the first step in acquiring wisdom is to realize how valuable wisdom is and to make up our mind to do all we can to get it. Therefore the beginning of wisdom is to seek wisdom. Solomon adds that while we are seeking wisdom, we should grab up some understanding at the same time. These aren't different attributes or concepts as Solomon uses the terms. It isn't really a chicken or the egg sort of quandary. With wisdom comes greater understanding, and with understanding comes greater wisdom. They go hand in hand, and both to our benefit.

That holds especially true for the beginning of all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. When we fear the Lord, when we revere Him and love Him and honor Him and obey His voice, He speaks into our life, just as He did to Solomon, and sets in place a kernel of wisdom. It is up to us to nurture this seed, watch it bloom, and enjoy its fruits. We can gain wisdom by closely analyzing our experiences, learning from our mistakes, observing how those we consider wise react to life events. And we can gain wisdom as we continue to fear the Lord and seek His face. Look to the Lord, and receive wisdom. Amen.

Heavenly Father, from You all gifts and blessings flow like a mighty river. You give us more than we need, and when we ask, the wisdom to know how best to use Your blessings. Grant us this wisdom, please Lord, that we might rule our own lives justly and live in righteousness in Your sight. In the name of Jesus our Redeemer we pray. Amen.

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